Who Are You Listening To?

Social media is here to stay. Media, in all forms, is not going anywhere. Videos. Podcasts. Books. Blog posts. News. Music. TV + Movies. So the question has to be asked and answered: who are you listening to? We all have our favorite personalities who speak the things that we all like to hear. And we tune in and watch/listen/read everything that they have to say. This can be said of preachers and pastors as well. We are quick to quote specific preachers before actually quoting the Scriptures themselves. So what if we started with Scripture? What if we listened to God on a daily basis from the pages of his word so that we would live lives that truly honor him above all? 

In today’s podcast episode, we look at 1 John 4.5 and a couple of passages from two of Paul’s letters (2 Timothy + Romans). We are all a work in progress. May we approach each other with humility and teachability, desiring to come to the truth of God.

If you’re not part of the Bible reading plan for Ignite City Church but would like to be, click here and fill out our connect card for Ignite City Church and choose “Please add me to the Bible reading plan on Google Calendar” at the bottom of the form.

And to check out everything about the Ignite City Church community, check out our website.